Raw Water Chemistry
Proven Water Clarification Coagulants and Flocculants
Inorganic/Organic Coagulants
Our organic and inorganic coagulants assist in the removal of suspended solids, color, iron and hardness minerals from your incoming water, no matter the source. Many of the coagulants in our Ultrion™ line of coagulants need no pH adjustment and work at much lower dosages. The result? Less sludge and reduced ionic loading to any demineralizers or RO’s downstream. Additional benefits include:
- Improved suspended solids/organic color removal
- Effective in low turbidity/low alkalinity waters
- Single product approach is often possible
- Less sludge produced reducing sludge handling costs
Does the floc in your clarifier settle fast enough? Do you need dryer solids in your sludge handling system? Adding a flocculant to your process can provide the improvement your system needs to perform to your high standards. Our flocculants include our superior CORESHELL™ line that can be used to treat virtually any settling or sludge handling process. Benefits include:
- Produces larger, faster settling floc
- Improves dewatering for dryer sludge and lower handling costs
- Broad array of products to fit any need